Eastern Star Foundation Presentation

Saturday, November 20 2021

Queensland Members were disappointed that we were unable to publicly present the first three grants from the Eastern Star Foundation at our Installation Ceremony. So, we arranged to have a mock presentation after our Grand Committee Meeting. We were able to get a photograph of each recipient being presented with the large format cheque and then each representative gave a short address explaining how their organisation supports the aged and what their grant funds enabled them to provide. The presentation was followed by a lovely lunch and opportunity to mingle and visit.


Ms Karen Reid, Chief Executive Officer, Lady Musgrave Trust ($100,000 grant)
Lady Musgrave Trust – A Champion for Qld’s Homeless Women

Frank Vos, Blackall Range Care Group ($100,000 grant)
Blackall Range Care Group – Home care packages and more

John Haberecht, President , Palliative Care Queensland – Ambulance Wish ($50,000 grant).