Golden Wattle Chapter No 4 Celebrates!

Sunday, August 21 2022

Golden Wattle Chapter No 4, Order of the Eastern Star was instituted 18 March 1922

The Members of Golden Wattle Chapter welcomed visiting Members from all over Queensland as well as several distinguished Members from South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales for their Centennial Celebration held on Saturday 26 March 2022. Several Members of the Masonic Fraternity, distinguished Members of the Grand Court of Amaranth and White Shrine of Jerusalem as well as family and friends also attended, just over one hundred people in the Ipswich Masonic Lodge Room. The morning began with the Grand Entrance of the Most Worthy Grand Matron, Sister Blanche Watt, Most Worthy Grand Patron, Brother Paul Smith, Past Most Worthy Grand Matrons, Past Most Worthy Grand Patron and Worthy Grand Office-bearers of the United Grand Chapter of Australia. The Worthy Matron of Golden Wattle Chapter No 4, Sister Barbara Hartman, offered the Golden Wattle gavel to Sister Blanche Watt. Sister Watt returned the gavel, with thanks and offered Sister Hartman the use of the United Grand Chapter Travelling Gavel for the Celebration.

Sister Barbara Hartman Worthy Matron, introduced the visiting Distinguished Members of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Order of Amaranth and the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. Brother Timothy Powys Worthy Patron, Introduced the Members of the visiting Masonic Orders.

Sister Barbara Hartman Worthy Matron gave a brief address on the Order of the Eastern Star and this was further explained by the modified Chapter Opening Ceremony delivered by the Chapter Office-bearers.

Each Member of Golden Wattle Chapter No 4 was presented with a commemorative certificate and this was followed by a special Centennial Service delivered by the Office-bearers of the Chapter and lead by the Chapter Historian, Sister Heather Noble. The service concluded with a special song sung by all present. Golden Wattle Chapter does not have our own Organist so we were treated to music from Sister Gillian Mason, Worthy Grand Organist and Grand Organist of the Grand Chapter of Queensland. That final song to finish the celebration sounded so good – and of course, was not recorded.

The Celebration concluded with a modified Closing Ceremony, followed by the drawing of the raffle and the Grand Retiral of the United Grand Chapter. Everyone then made their way to the supper room for the buffet lunch provided by the Members of Golden Wattle Chapter No 4.

Hartford Chapter No 3 was the first Chapter to reach 100 years but then went into dormancy within a few days of the anniversary. Golden Wattle Chapter No 4 is the second Chapter to reach 100 years and is looking forward to our 101st Installation of Officer-bearers in July with plans in place for a term that is not overshadowed with centennial planning!


Back – Bro Jim Hanson, Bro Stuart Schulz, Bro John Lindsay, Sis Judy Barker, Sis Doreen Coker, Bro Glenn Farrell, Sis Janice Logan, Bro Ian Dunkley, Bro Ian Blyth. Middle – Sis Katrina Holden-Schulz, Sis Yvonne Bassett, Sis Heather Noble, Sis Lorraine White, Sis Janette Hanson, Sis Judy Bennett, Sis Lorna Dunkley, Sis Cecile Blyth, Sis Gillian Mason WG Organist. Front – Sis Gillian Powys Secretary, Sis Barbara Hartman WM, Bro Timothy Powys WP, Sis Roslyn Lumsden Treasurer.

Back – Sis Jenny Fawns, Sis Robin Rielly WG Assoc Matron, Bro Jonathan, Nantes WG Assoc Patron, Bro Sydney Down PMWGP. Middle – Sis Evelyn Hood PMWGM, Sis Beryl Ross WG Adah, Sis Gail Reed WG Electa, Sis Elizabeth Watt PMWGM, Sis Margaret Down WG Treasurer, Sis Lois Allen PMWGM, Sis Gillian Mason WG Organist. Front – Sis Blanche Watt MWGM, Sis Barbara Hartman WM, Bro Timothy Powys WP, Bro Paul Smith MWGP.

Back – Bro Jonathan Nantes PWGP, Sis Moya Nantes Em Gr Sec, Sis Carita Swann PWGM, Sis Edwina Tatnell Gr Marshal, Sis Beryl Ross PWGM, Sis Dorothy Russell PWGM, Bro Spencer Swann Gr AP, Bro David Carlin WGP Victoria. Middle – Sis Rosalind Russ A/WGM NSW/ACT, Sis Penny Bell WDGM NW, Sis Anne Vickers WDGM BR, Sis Janice Dorber WDGM SB, Bro Alan Dorber WDGP SB, Bro Paul Pietzner WDGP NW, Sis Heather Gennings Shrine, Bro Ross Barlow Shrine. Front – Sis Leigh Kennedy WGM, Sis Barbara Hartman WM, Bro Timothy Powys WP, Bro Norman Butler WGP, Sis Gillian Mason Gr Organist, Sis Jennifer Nielsen Amaranth.

Back Row: V Ex Comp Greg Broad SGRACQ, Ex Comp Peter Gow SGRACQ, V Ex Comp Nigel Pittaway GDC SGRACQ, R Ex Comp Merv Gray GSE SGRACQ, V Wor Bro Glenn Farrell Grand Secretary of GLMMMQ, R Wor Bro Reg Langusch GDC GLMMMQ, Wor Bro Matthew Grace GLMMMQ. Front Row: R Wor Bro Paul Southon DGM GLMMMQ, Barbara Hartman Worthy Matron, Timothy Powys Worthy Patron, R.E. Sir Knight Alan Coleman Grand Council of Knight Masons.